Bacillus subtilis, properties, and endospore

B. subtilis is a bacteria that a member from genus Bacillus. This bacteria is a gram-positive, rod-shaped and found in different environment such as terrestrial, aquatic or animal intestine (Earl et al., 2008). Many of studies used the bacteria as a model gram-positive bacteria, because the process of chromosome duplicate rapidly and accurately (Graumann, 2012). Therefore, the bacteria used to investigate the expressed protein as a host. The bacteria could grow in nutrient media and salt condition, sugar as a carbon source, and ammonium salt or other amino acid as nitrogen sources (Harwood and Wipat, 2013), however, under lack of nutrient and environmental stress conditions, induced bacteria enhances to use metabolic activity and forms endospore to survive. In that time, it secretes protein into the medium, however it doesn’t produce endotoxins (Shahcheraghi et al., 2015), therefore, the bacteria is not pathogen against mammalian (Dubnau, 2012; Shahcheraghi et al., 2015). Because of that, the bacteria mostly used in laboratory studies to understand protein expression from recombination, and applied as vaccines technology.

The life cycle of B. subtilis is happened of three stages, there are vegetative, sporulation, and germination stage (Fig. 1)(Sella et al., 2014). This stage is affected of environment conditions, especially nutrient availability. B. subtilis quite often found in vegetative form rather than in endospore form (Earl et al., 2008). When the nutrient is available, the bacteria would be in the vegetative stage which indicated from binary fission cell growth. In this process, the bacteria active to do replication lead to cell division. However, if the environment is not suitable for the B. subtilis, the bacteria will form layers to protect itself against stress conditions, this process is called sporulation (Sella et al., 2014).

Some environments like high mineral composition, lack of nutrient, neutral pH, temperature, and high cell density tend to induce the vegetative cell into endospore (Sella et al., 2014). According to Sella et al. (2014), there are seven steps of sporulation, after the bacteria finish the DNA replication and contain two chromosome, it will stretch to different axis (axial), second, the division begin asymmetrically near one of the poles, and forming a septum (Hilbert and Piggot, 2004; Sella et al., 2014). Third, the chromosome get engulf from the septum which differentiate the mother cell and small forespore. This mother cell provides the needs of forespore development into spore. Fourth, the forespore has form three layers, inner, cortex, and outer layer.  Inner and outer layer is composed of protein, while the cortex consists of  a thick layer of peptidoglycan. Thus, the coat is synthesized on the outer layer. The coat is composed from ~80 of mother cell protein which can protect the spore against stress condition. Sixth, the spore doesn’t have any morphological change, but it get maturated (Hilbert and Piggot, 2004). Finally, the mother cell get lysis of lytic enzyme which releases the mature spore into the environment. Therefore, the spore which can survive in the extreme conditions has the suitable advantages to display antigen.

The germination occurs when the environment has suitable, or the nutrient has available lead to break the dormancy of endospore (Sella et al., 2014). This process is started of initiation of spore by germination molecules such as amino acid, sugar or purine nucleosides are detected by the receptors, known as germination receptors (GRs). The binding of molecule with GR will induce the ion H+, K+, Na2+, and Ca2+ pumped out lead to increase the pH of the core to suitable pH. The lytic enzymes activated causing of cortex degradation. The next step, the pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (DPA) compound is degraded and released lead water to enter the spore core (rehydration), thus initiate the protein and activate the process, followed spore coat hydrolysis will generate new vegetative cell (Sella et al., 2014).

Fig. 1  Bacillus subtilis sporulation 
(Hilbert and Piggot, 2004)
Structure of endospore

The endospore structure consists of coat layer, outer membrane, cortex, germ cell wall, inner membrane, and core (Fig. 2) (Sella et al., 2014). The coat layer is the outer of the layer which can protect the spore against stress condition. This layer majorly composes of  protein and minor carbohydrate components. Approximately 70 spore specific protein has been studied in the spore coat, and each of them has covalent modifications (Henriques and Moran, 2007; Plomp et al., 2014). Most of protein in the layer of coat don’t have specific function, but most importantly, the proteins which are essential for coat morphogenesis such as CotE, CotH, CotO, SafA, and SpoVID (Plomp et al., 2014). The protein has been known acted as carrier for displaying bioactive protein especially antigens (Sella et al., 2014). Therefore, the features may apply to make as a vaccine. The spore surface may determine the environmental conditions through protein of the surfaces in resulting adapted spore.

The outer membrane envelops the cortex layer. The membrane is to protect the inner layer. Between outer and inner membrane there were cortex and germ cell wall which composed of peptidoglycan, however, the peptidoglycan in cortex has structural modifications, while in germ cell wall is mostly identical to vegetative cell (Sella et al., 2014). Inside the inner membrane, there is core which contains nucleotides, ribosomes, and enzymes, but the enzymes is dormant because the core is relatively dehydrated. The conditions inside the core is related to the tolerance of the spore which prevent DNA damage (Sella et al., 2014).

Fig. 2. Scanning electron of Bacillus spores (A), and vegetative cells (B) (Sella et al., 2014)